jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009

chapter 1!

So, yeah, this is my first actual life-post. I guess you could call it episode 1 on the wannarexic chronicles! yaay! LOL So to start i'm gonna tell you a bit about my background:

If you've read my previous post you'll know that i'm the oldest of my parents' 3 children (Me, and my two brothers, Alex and David). They are divorced, my father's married and has a 2 year old daughter(Sophie). My mom is currently dating a guy I don't think she really likes (she's been single 7 years, i guess she's desperate). But, anyhows, the thing is she is dating and the guy's not that bad. Oh, and btw i live with her, but see my dad often.

School: i'm basically your most average girl, not straight As, but just...average. Like, boys won't think "damn, she's so hawtt!" when they see me, but they won't think "Damn, what was God thinking about when he made her?"...they just don't think about me at all. Speaking about boys, I guess it's time to tell you all about my crush...

OK, we're actually Danny and Sandy (from Grease...i love musicals). He's bad, smokes, sleeps in class, etc, etc. I'm good, dnt smoke, dnt drink, and i actually try to pay attention in class. My friends say i'm too good for him, his friends say he's too good for me (well, they probably dnt talk about me, but whatever) I've done everything I could possible think of to impress him, but as you can imagine...what i considered mean and bad-ass was plain boring to him. So, for him I am the girl to copy on a math test (i am actually very good at math, it's my best subject)--but for me, he's...almost an obsession. Anyway, you'll be hearing lots from him too, trust me.

And now for a big part of my life: wannarexia (you can look in my first post for a more detailed definition). The thing is I'm not hot, or sexy. See, I'm not even skinny. When I read Seventeen, I usually go to the "curvy all over" section. And I hate it, and I've tried to get fit every way I can... but I can tell you calorie-counting and celeb trainer routine-based workouts are much, much harder than people imagine.

Well, I hope I haven't bored u with my introduction-ey stuff...it will get better but u have 2 understand where everythings coming from...ish...

Me =)

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

All About: Me! =)

So, here's everything you could ever want to know about me:

Status: Single (but, of course, wishing otherwise)

Family: My parents are divorced, I have two brothers (elven and thirteen). My dad remarried and had a daughter (my adorable two-year-old half-sister). My mom's dating this guy; yeaah, he's alright.

Celebrity Crush: Robert Pattinson

Celeb Role Model: Anne Hathaway and Beyoncé


  • TV Show(s): 90210, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, America's Next Top Model and The OC(I have the OC DVD and I've seen it like 20 times).

  • Movie: Pride and Prejudice

  • Books: Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, The Clique, and-obviously-Twilight.

  • Website: Seventeen.com, Surfthechannel.com, Facebook.com &...perezhilton.com

  • Color: Lime Green

  • Singer/Band: I have so many I'd end tomorrow; but to name a few: Jason Mraz, Beyoncé, The Jonas Brothers(yeah, I like them) Rihanna, U2...

  • Song: I change, like, everyday but right now I can't stop listening to "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz and "Eh Eh" by Lady GaGa.

  • Brand: Juicy Couture & Betsey Johnson

  • VIdeo Game: Guitar Hero...What!? There are other vidogames!? Nah...

  • Dessert: Cheesecake...yum!

Team Edward or Team Jacob? Team Emmett all the way!! LOL...But btween E and J I'd say...Jacob. Yeah.

Red or green apples? Green.

Current Diet: it's actually simple: Stay away from junk food and do more excercise (take the stairs instead of elevetor, that kind of stuff)

Perfume: Touch Of Pink (Lacoste) and Ralph (Ralph Lauren)

What's on my night table right now? iPod(classic), clock, cellphone, Cecelia Ahern's "A Place called Here", and a picture of me and my BFFs (Stacey, Jen, Lily, and Kath)

Hobbies: reading, writing, perezing, listening to music, and photgraphy(none of the pics here are taken by me, but maybe later I'll post some of mine)

Craziest thing I've ever done for a guy: Cut and dye my hair (I thought my crudh loved short, dark hair; turned out he didn't)

Guilty Pleasure: Footloose, Flashdance, Dirty Dancing...Pretty much any old musical you can think of!

Fears: Losing someone, and the dark (when im alone)

Well, that's about everything I could come up with (plus, my laptop's battery is dangerously low, and I didn't spend all this time writing to get it all erased when it turns off) But, if, you've any more questions, just ask!



PS. I was looking at runway images on photobucket and found the one above. Isn't that outfit so great!?

Hi! If you're reading this, you may or may not know what a "wannarexic" is. For those of you who don't here's the dictionary definition for wannarexic "Wannarexia, or anorexic yearning, is a label applied to someone who claims to have anorexia nervosa, or wishes they did. These individuals are also called wannarexic 'wanna-be ana' or 'anorexic wannabe'". But, in my case, wannarexic just means "You're typical Jonas-obsessed girl, with boy problems and school to stress about...with some extra weight which she hates and can't get rid of. No matter how hard she tries." Here's the thing: I come from a family with obesity problems, and it costs me a lot to loose a couple pounds, which I always gain again within a couple weeks.

Don't be confused by the title: it's not like loosing weight is the only thing on my mind...I'm not so obsessed as to become a real wannarexic (or anorexic!) but I liked how it sounded.

I just wanted to clear that up... Now that it's done we can get down to some real business...

I'll be posting back soon!


Me =)